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Invitrogen™ MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit DFS Item

The MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit is for the rapid, high-throughput purification of RNA from mammalian cells and tissue in 96-well plates.

Supplier:  Invitrogen™ AM1839

Catalog No. AM1839

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Includes: Kit contents: 1 Processing Plate and Lid; 12mL Lysis/Binding Solution Concentrate; 18mL Wash Solution 1 Concentrate; 72.5mL Wash Solution 2 Concentrate; 14mL Elution Buffer; 6mL MagMAX TURBO DNase Buffer; 4 x 25mL TRI Reagent; 1.1mL RNA Binding Beads; 1.1mL Lysis/Binding Enhancer; 215μL TURBO DNase, 10U/μL. Contains enough reagents to isolate RNA from 96 samples.



The MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit is for the rapid, high-throughput purification of RNA from mammalian cells and tissue in 96-well plates. The kit combines an organic extraction with magnetic bead–based purification yielding extremely high-quality RNA suitable for the most stringent applications, such as microarray analysis. The kit includes sufficient reagents for 96 reactions. Advantages of the MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit:

• Improve gene expression studies with consistent results from experiment to experiment
• Combines TRI Reagent™ with a superior magnetic bead–based technology
• Streamlined RNA purification, without sacrificing RNA quality or quantity
• Requires less hands-on time than competitor kits
• Can be integrated with established robotic platforms
• Best MagMAX™ kit for difficult samples or large volumes

Benefits of MagMAX™ magnetic bead–based purification
Magnetic beads offer many benefits compared to other technologies for isolating RNA. Beads bind RNA more efficiently than glass fiber filters, resulting in higher and more consistent RNA yields. Additionally, because filters are not used, there is no risk of filter clogging due to cellular particulates in samples. Since only a small volume of magnetic beads is needed for high- efficiency binding, the bound RNA can be eluted in just 20–50 μL of nuclease-free water, concentrating RNA from large, dilute samples.

Highly stringent for the best-quality RNA
The MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit (patent pending) procedure combines the robust and reliable lysis/denaturant TRI Reagent™ with MagMAX™ magnetic bead–based RNA purification technology, resulting in streamlined RNA purification, even in a high-throughput format, without sacrificing RNA quantity or quality. TRI Reagent™ readily lyses even difficult cells and tissues while denaturing nucleases to maintain the integrity of RNA. The kit provides high yields of pure, intact RNA that can be used directly for quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) and microarray analysis. See the accompanying data showing RNA yield and quality obtained when using the MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit. Also shown is data illustrating a high correlation between the method that Affymetrix recommends for producing RNA for use on their GeneChips™ and the method that the MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays kit employs.

Fast, flexible procedure
Two alternative protocols are supplied for the kit. The “Spin” method has fewer steps, requires no DNase treatment, and allows for larger sample amounts to be processed. The “No Spin” method requires less sample handling and can easily be integrated with a robotic liquid handler. The procedure is fast (less than 1 hr), simple, and well suited for automation. The kit can also be used to process fewer than 96 samples at one time and is compatible with either manual processing using multi-channel pipettors or processing with robotic liquid handlers. Downloadable protocols for the use of this kit with specific liquid handling systems are available at our Automation Resource.

Accessory products
A 96-well magnetic ring stand is required to use this kit. The Magnetic Stand-96 (Cat. No. AM10027) and the 96-well Magnetic Ring Stand (Cat. No. AM10050) are designed for paramagnetic bead precipitation from standard 96-well, U-bottom microplates. The Magnetic-Ring Stand pellets the magnetic beads in a circle shape, enabling easy removal of supernatant by a robot or multichannel pipettors. For additional processing plates, Matrix 96-Well U Bottom Polypropylene Plates (Thermo Scientific, Item# 4917) are recommended.



Kit Contents (storage):
• 1 Processing Plate & Lid (room temperature)
• 12 mL Lysis/Binding Solution Concentrate (room temperature)
• 18 mL Wash Solution 1 Concentrate (room temperature)
• 72.5 mL Wash Solution 2 Concentrate (room temperature)
• 14 mL Elution Buffer (room temperature)
• 6 mL MagMAX™ TURBO™ DNase Buffer (4°C or room temperature)
• 4 x 25 mL TRI Reagent™ (4°C)
• 1.1 mL RNA Binding Beads (4°C)
• 1.1 mL Lysis/Binding Enhancer (-20°C)
• 215 μL TURBO™ DNase, 10 U/μL (-20°C)

Contains enough reagents to isolate RNA from 96 samples.

Magnetic Bead, Organic Extraction
Cells, Mammalian Cells, Plant Samples, Tissue (Mammalian), Yeast
High-throughput Compatible, Automated Protocols
Microarray Analysis, Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), Northern Blotting
Ambion™, MagMAX™
Total RNA
96-well Plate
<1 hr.
Total RNA
MagMAX™ Express 24 and 96, Robotic Liquid Handling Systems, MagMAX™ Express-96 Standard Magnetic Particle Processor
96 Preps
Up to 5 x10^6 cells, Up to 100 mg tissue




For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.