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Precision Systems Osmette™ A Osmometer

Automatic digital osmometers measure osmolality in mOsm/kg H2O. Osmette A Osmometer uses the freezing point depression method to provide a quick, accurate indication of total concentration. Instruments measure freezing points of solutions to 0.001°C, then directly translate them to measure of concentration.

Supplier:  Precision Systems 5002

Catalog No. 12-827-5

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Easy to Use

  • Add sample tube to well, lower operating head to insert wire and thermistor temperature probe into the sample
  • Freezing point is detected by the probe, with accuracy of ±0.001°C
  • Digital display shows results directly in mOsm/kg H2O
  • Entire cycle takes between one-half and one minute per sample
Speedy and convenient
  • Fast cooldown, completely zero-stable meter
  • Reach operating temperature in <15 min. vs. 40 to 60 min. for other cryoscopic devices
  • Eliminate Dewar flasks, ice baths, calculations
  • Generate precise results in just 50 to 70 sec.; process 40 to 60 samples per hour
  • Minimal training; simple two-step calibration takes less than five minutes
  • All models hold calibration, eliminating daily calibration

Osmette A, Model 5002

  • Automatic Operation
  • Small 2 oz. (59mL) bath allows faster results with better control
  • Food and beverage industries, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical labs, research and quality control
  • Clinical applications include diagnosis of renal activity, disease electrolyte imbalance, hyper- and hyponatremia, measuring osmolality of body fluids

  1. Reproducibility, 1 S.D. (one standard deviation).
  2. With liquid bath.
  3. Also available: Cryette™ Cryoscopes. Model 5006 (Cat. No. 12-672) determines added water in milk; Models 5008 and 5009 (Cat. Nos. 12-672-1 and 12-672-2) determine molecular weight of solutions such as petroleum fractions and core samples. For information, contact your Fisher Scientific Customer Service Representative.



115 V
10 in.
8 in.
20 cm
For 2mL sample: <1000mOsm/kg: ±1mOsm/kgH2O, >1000mOsm/kgH2O: ±0.2%. For 0.2mL sample: <500mOsm/kg: ±2mOsm/kgH2O, >500mOsm/kgH2O: ±0.5%
2 or 0.2 mL
15 in.
8 x 15 x 10 in. (20 x 38 x 25 cm)
50/60 Hz
Thermoelectric Refrigerator
Food and beverage industries, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical labs, research and quality control, clinical applications include diagnosis of renal activity, disease electrolyte imbalance, hyper- and hyponatremia, measuring osmolality of body fluids
25 cm
<1 min.
0 to 3000 mOsm/kg H2O
38 cm
10 to 15 min.
115 V 50/60 Hz
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