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Promega Riboprobe™ Systems DFS Item

The Riboprobe Systems are designed to prepare high-specific-activity single-stranded RNA probes or microgram quantities of defined RNA transcripts from cloned DNA inserts.

Supplier:  Promega P1430

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Catalog No. PR-P1430

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Includes: RNA polymerase(s); pGEM™ Express Positive Control Template; RQ1 RNase-free DNase; Recombinant RNasin™ Ribonuclease Inhibitor; rATP; rCTP; rGTP; rUTP; DTT; Transcription-optimized buffer, 5X; Nuclease-free water



  • Produce High-Specific-Activity RNA Probes or Defined RNA Transcripts
  • Systems available with SP6 RNA Polymerase, T7 RNA Polymerase or T3 RNA Polymerase
  • SP6, T7 and T3 RNA Polymerases are extremely promoter-specific, allowing production of virtually homogeneous RNA using plasmid DNA as a template
  • Allow synthesis of RNA corresponding to the coding or noncoding strand of cloned DNA from a single plasmid construct

  • U.S. Patent 5,552,302; Australian Patent 646803 and other patents.
  • Australian Patents 616881 and 641261 and other pending and issued patents, which claim vectors encoding a portion of human placental ribonuclease inhibitor, are exclusively licensed to Promega Corporation.



Store at -20°C.
500U RNA Polymerase (T3), 5μg pGEM™ express positive control template, 500μL transcription optimized 5X Buffer, 2500U recombinant RNasin™ RNase inhibitor, 100mM 100
1 System
Generation of high-specific-activity RNA probes, generation of microgram quantities of RNA transcripts, generation of RNA processing substrates, generation of antisense RNA
Riboprobe System—T3


